
white spike Learn more about white spike

  • The causes and control methods of the latest white spike of wheat

    The causes and control methods of the latest white spike of wheat

    When wheat is about to mature, there will often be a large number of white spikes, resulting in a serious decline in yield, many farmers do not know what caused it. What is the cause of white spike in wheat? it is caused not only by diseases, but also by environmental and man-made causes.

    2020-11-10 The latest wheat white spike cause and control methods
  • Causes and control methods of white spike in wheat

    Causes and control methods of white spike in wheat

    Causes and control methods of white spike in wheat

  • The latest cause of dead spike in wheat and its control measures

    The latest cause of dead spike in wheat and its control measures

    In recent years, many farmers have found that dead spikes often occur in the late stage of wheat growth, resulting in a reduction in wheat varieties and yield, and in serious cases, the yield is reduced by more than 50%, which brings huge economic losses to farmers. So what is the cause of the dead spike of wheat? How to prevent and cure

    2020-11-10 The latest wheat dead spike causes and control measures in recent years very
  • Control techniques of diseases and insect pests at flowering and panicle stage of mango

    Control techniques of diseases and insect pests at flowering and panicle stage of mango

    After the mango ear was damaged by diseases and insect pests, the flower ear was deformed, the flower quality decreased, the flower bud fell off, the flower withered, and could not blossom and bear fruit. The prevention and control methods of diseases and insect pests that harm the flower ear of mango are as follows: first, anthrax is the most serious disease that harms the flower ear, which occurs as soon as the flower ear is pulled out.

  • Causes of dead spike in wheat and its control measures

    Causes of dead spike in wheat and its control measures

    Causes of dead spike in wheat and its control measures

  • Short-spike Cuttage Seedling technique of White Tea

    Short-spike Cuttage Seedling technique of White Tea

    White tea seedlings are generally raised by asexual short-spike cuttings. Experiments show that when white tea is raised with tea seeds, its offspring show character variation, that is, there is no periodic whitening in spring, and short-spike cuttings can maintain the characteristics of female parents. the progeny has the same characters, high reproduction coefficient and high survival rate. Considering the economic benefits of white tea, at present, there is no special mother garden, but both the mother garden and the picking garden. The cutting time is generally from September to October in autumn, during this period, the cuttings grow roots quickly, the seedling rate is high, and the management is short at the same time, which is favorable.

  • Yumai 70 (Neixiang 188)

    Yumai 70 (Neixiang 188)

    The variety Yumai 70 (Neixiang 188) was selected and approved by the Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Neixiang County, Henan Province. the characteristics of semi-winter mid-mature wheat varieties are white shell, white grain, horny, long awn and strong tillering ability. there are more spikes per mu and 45 grains per panicle. The spike is oblong, the fruit is good, the big spike has many flowers, the 1000-grain weight is 42 grams, and the average yield per mu is 400-600 kg. The unit weight is 797 grams / liter, the rated value is 84 points, exceeding

  • Jinmai 62

    Jinmai 62

    Jinmai 62 was examined and approved by Shanxi crop Variety approval Committee in 1999. Characteristics: coleoptile purple, seedlings creeping. The leaves are dark green and the leaves are short and upwelling. The plant type is compact, the stem is stout, and the plant height is 75 cm. The spike is oblong, long awn, spike length 8 Murray 9 cm, spikelet density medium, fruiting spikelet 17 Murray 20, spike grain number 30. White shell, glume without tomentose. Protective glume ovate, oblique shoulder, glume beak type, ridge obvious. White grain, oval, hard, 1000-grain weight about 40 grams. Winter, medium maturity, tillering ability

  • What medicine does grape spray spike effect best before bagging?

    What medicine does grape spray spike effect best before bagging?

    The preparation before bagging is to trim the spike one week before flowering, the large spike should remove 8 branches of accessory spike and the base of main axis, and the spikelet should not be removed or less; the florescence should be pinched off and the tip of spike should be removed, and the fruit and vegetable grains should be started two weeks later, and the fruit should be stabilized immediately and end before the rainy season. The method of bagging is to open the paper bag by hand.

  • Control measures of wheat with spike and no seed

    Control measures of wheat with spike and no seed

    Control measures of wheat with spike and no seed

  • The latest control measures of spike and seedless wheat

    The latest control measures of spike and seedless wheat

    Wheat is one of the staple foods of human beings. it has a long history of planting in China, and the planting area is also very extensive. In the process of wheat planting, the phenomenon of spike and seedless is becoming more and more serious, which seriously affects the yield and quality of wheat and harms the planting income of farmers. So, right.

    2020-11-10 The latest wheat have spike seedless control measures is
  • Xinmai 9817

    Xinmai 9817

    Characteristics: weak spring, mid-precocious, mature stage and control Yanzhan 4110 same period. The seedlings are erect, the leaves are erect, and the tillering ability is medium. The plant height is about 82 cm, the plant type is compact, the flag leaf is short, thick, upthrust, the spike layer is neat, the spike is uniform, and the code is dense. Ear spindle type, long awn, white shell, white grain, grain half-horny, medium plumpness, low black embryo rate. The average panicle number per mu was 448000 ears, the number of grains per spike was 29.8g, and the weight of 1000 grains was 43.1g. The seedling stage grows vigorously, and the cold tolerance is better in winter.

  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Yujin

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Yujin

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Yujin

  • Diseases and insect pests of growing mango control of horizontal tail leaf moth

    Diseases and insect pests of growing mango control of horizontal tail leaf moth

    (1) the harm is also called heart-drilling worm. It is common in mango producing areas and is an important pest of mango. The young worms eat the tender shoots and spikes, causing the tender shoots or spikes to wither or grow weak. (2) morphological characteristics of adult body length 11mm, wingspan 23mm. The back is dark brown and the ventral face is grayish white.

    2020-11-08 Species mango pest fruit horizontal line tail leaf moth control
  • The effect and medicinal value of plantain are introduced in detail.

    The effect and medicinal value of plantain are introduced in detail.

    The effect and medicinal value of plantain are introduced in detail.

  • Where is the origin of Prunella vulgaris?

    Where is the origin of Prunella vulgaris?

    Where is the origin of Prunella vulgaris?

  • Careful retting of litchi and longan in rainy days

    Careful retting of litchi and longan in rainy days

    At present, the main work is to prevent "sprouting", improve the quality of flower ears, pay attention to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, and fertilize in time the weather of high temperature and high humidity in February, which causes "sprouting" in many litchi and longan orchards, which has a great influence on the quality of buds and flowers. early low temperature and rain have a great impact on the late development of flower buds and the prevention of "flushing".

  • Jimai 22

    Jimai 22

    The variety is winter. the seedlings are semi-erect. The cold resistance is good, the tillering is strong, and the panicle rate is high. It belongs to multi-spike type variety. Compact plant type, small leaves, upward thrust, more wax in stems and leaves, plant height 70~75cm, good stem elasticity, strong lodging resistance and good comprehensive disease resistance. Luohuangjia, panicle rectangular, long awn, white shell. White grain, horny. The seeds are full. Determination of mixed samples in Shandong regional test in 2003. Bulk density 771g/L. Yield components, 667m2 panicle number 450000 ~

  • A powerful supporting role-- Serpentine Chrysanthemum

    A powerful supporting role-- Serpentine Chrysanthemum

    Snake chrysanthemum: perennial herb. The base of the stem is swollen and oblate. Flowers are red and purple. Flowering in summer and autumn. As most small heads gather into dense spikes, the florets bloom from top to bottom, like the rustling of a rattlesnake.

  • Where is the latest origin of Prunella vulgaris?

    Where is the latest origin of Prunella vulgaris?

    Prunella vulgaris, also known as Prunella vulgaris, Prunella vulgaris, etc., belongs to the Labiatae family Prunella vulgaris is a perennial herb, dried fruit can be used as medicine, with the effect of clearing liver and purging fire, clear eyes, dispersing knots and detumescence, the main treatment is red swelling, eye pain, headache, dizziness, dizziness, pain,

    2020-11-10 Latest Prunella vulgaris origin where is it summer